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LEE NA is a painting artist based in Seoul, Korea


MA in Art&Space, Kingston University, London, UK

BFA in Fine Art , Kyungwon (Gachon) University, Seongnam, Korea


2023   Afternoon Children, Middleman gallery, Busan, Korea

2023   The Green Room, The Stroll Gallery, Hong Kong 

2022   Children's Garden, Middleman gallery, Busan, Korea

2020   Never Land, Seongnam Cube Museum Banbal gallery, Seongnam, Korea

2020   Family Album, JM Gallery, Seongnam, Korea


2023   Turning Up, ARTSIDE Temporary, Seoul

2023   Gyeonggi Art Warehouse Collection Special Exhibition (New Blood), National Assembly Members' Building 3rd Lobby, Seoul

2023   Gyeonggi Art Warehouse Special Curated Exhibition, Korean Cultural Center in Argentina Exhibition Hall, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2022    The Secret Cabinet, The Stroll Gallery, Hong Kong

2022   Urban Boundaries and Fissures: Public Art of New Connections, Lee Kang Ha Art Museum, Gwangju Metropolitan City

2022   Four Colors Exhibition, Shinheung Public Art Creation Studio, Seongnam

2022   Lattuce Loved the Rain, Artsy  online viewing, Janet Rady Fine Art, London

2021   Seongnam Cube Art Museum 2020 New Collection Exhibition, Seongnam Cube Art Museum



SeongNam Cube Museum  성남문화재단


Metropolitan Government Seoul 서울시


GyeongGi Cultural Foundation 경기문화재단


킹스턴대학교, 영국, 런던, Art&Space전공  석사

경원대학교 (현 가천대학교)  회화과 서양화 전공


2023  오후의아이들, 미들맨갤러리, 부산

2023   때마침초록, 스트롤갤러리, 홍콩

2022   아이들의정원, 미들맨갤러리, 부산

2022   시선너머의순간, 을지로예술공장 한뼘갤러리, 서울

2020   네버랜드, 성남큐브미술관 반달갤러리, 성남

2020   가족앨범, 창생공간재미, 성남


2023   Turning Up, ARTSIDE Temporary, 서울

2023   경기미술창고소장품특별전시(New Blood), 국회의원회관 3로비, 서울

2023   경기미술창고특별기획전, 아르헨티나 한국문화원 기획전시실, 아르헨티나

2022   The Secret Cabinet, The Stroll Gallery, 홍콩

2022   도시경계와균열새로운연결의공공예술, 이강하미술관, 광주광역시

2022   4인4색전 , 신흥공공예술창작소, 성남

2022   아르코 우수전시 지원선정작 New Translation:오래된감각들, 정문규미술관, 파주 

2022  Lattuce Loved the Rain, Artys 온라인뷰잉, Janet Rady Fine Art, 런던

2021  성남큐브미술관 2020 신소장품전, 성남큐브미술관

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